The Project
Waystone Hargreaves Land LLP (WHL's) consultation website for employment-led development and other ancillary use proposals for Unity 'Park', surrounding the listed headstocks.
- The proposed development would regenerate and bring into use an under-utilised and derelict brownfield site
- The purposeful creation of the ‘Ancillary Use Area’ around the listed headstocks and wide variety of use classes proposed within that area, in line with the site’s Local Plan Allocation, will facilitate (rather than preclude) the preservation of the headstocks and continued delivery of other ongoing workstreams, in particular the Stainforth Town Deal funding proposals
- The development would generate a significant number of new job opportunities across a range of potential end uses, including training and apprenticeship opportunities
- It is anticipated that the scheme will deliver a mix of jobs at all levels including a substantial number of middle and high skilled opportunities
- The development will generate a significant level of gross value added into the local economy on an annual basis
- Further FTE job opportunities will be generated indirectly through the regional supply chain, which will increase the level of gross value added into the regional economy
- The development will also create a significant number of construction jobs, including training and apprenticeship opportunities
- The development would produce a substantial annual business rates receipt to Doncaster